Salt 2 Now Available On Steam Early Access!


Salt 2 Now Available On Steam Early Access!

Ahoy mateys!Salt 2 is now available on Steam Early Access. We've been working on this game for over two and a half years and we are so happy to finally have it out. First, we want to say a big thank you to everyoneRead More

Dev Update: Beta, Early Access Release Date, and Pirate King Islands


Dev Update: Beta, Early Access Release Date, and Pirate King Islands

Ahoy mateys!We've got some good new information to share with you so let's dive in. BetaToday we sent out beta keys to Kickstarter backers. We've been running the alpha for the last month and it has been great. We've fixed a ton of bugs andRead More

Dev Update: Maps, Guild Quests, Hunger System, and More


Dev Update: Maps, Guild Quests, Hunger System, and More

Hey everyone!We have got a ton of new content changes and things to talk about so let's dive right in. Alpha Release UpdateI know everyone is getting excited and ready to start the alpha testing. We are too and it's almost here! First off, weRead More

Dev Update: Quests, Sneaking, World Tiers, and Release Times


Dev Update: Quests, Sneaking, World Tiers, and Release Times

Ahoy mateys! We've got a lot to cover in today's dev update so I'm going to jump right in. Release TimesWe're finally nearing release time and have almost got everything we need done. We'll talk a bit today about what we've been working on recently andRead More

Dev Update: Dialogue, Merchants, Cooking, and More!


Dev Update: Dialogue, Merchants, Cooking, and More!

Hey everyone!In today's dev update we want to talk about some of the final major systems we've been implementing in preparation for the early access launch. In case you missed it in our last dev update, we are currently planning on releasing sometime inRead More

Dev Update: Skeletons, Crafting Recipes, Talent Trees, and Roadmap


Dev Update: Skeletons, Crafting Recipes, Talent Trees, and Roadmap

Hey everyone! The Holidays are almost here but we wanted to share with you an update on some of the systems we've been implementing recently and what's to come before early access launch. We also wanted to give you an update on when we thinkRead More

Dev Update: Skill System, Quests, Loot Variations, and More


Dev Update: Skill System, Quests, Loot Variations, and More

Ahoy fellow sea adventurers! In today's update I want to focus on some of the major new systems we've been implementing and what's still left to do before the early access launch. Also, if you are a Kickstarter backer and are expecting a physical reward,Read More