This Week at Lavaboots: Player Instruments, New NPC, and Achievements

11:51 AM willsterling23 0 Comments

Hey everyone!

It's been a good week at Lavaboots. As you probably know, last week we pushed out Update 1.9.3 which introduced some new content and Steam cloud saving. If you haven't downloaded that update yet, be sure to head on over to Steam and get updated. We are also continuing to work hard on multiplayer implementation. We're pushing out small updates during the process to keep new content in the game while you wait on multiplayer to get finished.

Today I want to mention some of what we've been working on this week in regards to the next smaller update and what you can look forward to.

Player Instruments

Our next update is going to introduce player instruments. These instruments will be items you can click on that will play a song and apply a buff. Each instrument has it's own unique song but we are exploring possibilities of adding multiple songs or version to instruments. As an audio guy, I've been very excited to implement instruments into the game as it gives players a little bit more control over when they want to hear music. 

New NPC and Quests

In order to get your hands on some of the new instruments, you'll have to talk an NPC known as The Composer. He will get you started on a set of quests that will reward you with some nice instruments and have you feeling like a true musician in no time. 


This week we've also started to look into adding achievements into Salt. We are very excited about achievements and we think it's going to give some new goals and challenges for our players. We'll update more on this as we get further along in it's development. 

As I said before, we are still working hard on multiplayer and making great progress in that regard. We'll be posting a blog update soon giving you a look at some of the progress we've made and what's yet to come. 

Thanks for reading and as always we'd love to hear your feedback!