Dev Update: UI Changes, New Points of Interest, and Kickstarter Update!

8:31 AM willsterling23 0 Comments


Hey everyone!

We've got some updates to share with you but first we just want to say thank you so much for all of your support during our Kickstarter Campaign. Your donations and support has completely blown us away. We're already at 65% funded and we have 21 days to go. We still need your help to reach the finish line over the next few weeks. Please help us spread the word on social media or to your friends who may be interested in a pirate adventure themselves.

Now, let's dive into what we've been working on as of late! 

UI Changes

Our main focus over the past month (in addition to launching a Kickstarter) has been UI development. We're making some great progress with our user interface and are excited to make it intuitive, polished, and fun to use. 

Because we are building the game with controller support from the beginning, we wanted a way to easily hotkey and change weapons and items with both a keyboard/mouse and a controller. And so we've settled on a radial wheel. This is what it looks like. 

The radial wheel achieves a few goals. It allows us to keep the UI interface minimal while you are playing. Instead of having a large hotbar take up space on the screen, the radial will only pop up when you want it to. Selecting items in the radial is also easy and satisfying for both the keyboard/mouse and the controller. Every item is essentially one click away instead of being cumbersome to get to. We are also allowing you to customize and add items wherever you want on the radial. 

We've also been working on the inventory system. We've chosen to make a larger full screen UI so you can see items easily whether you are playing on a computer monitor or on the couch with a TV. We are working on adding features for sorting your items and you'll be able to inspect items and get more information on them as well.

New Points of Interest

Since exploration is such a huge part of Salt 2, we are constantly adding new and exciting points of interest. It's important for us that you have a ton of content to explore and so we're working hard to build as many interesting places as we can. As of right now we've got tons of caves, ancient ruins, pirate camps, cellars, graveyards, shrines, and more to come.

As always thank you all for reading and be sure and hop on over to the Discord and chat with us sometime!